Hua Yang

huayang_midVisiting PhD student

The George Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

Office: IPST 550-A

Email: hua.yang at






BS: Beijing Jiaotong University, 2010


Molecular dynamics simulation of covalent adaptable networks polymers. Covalent adaptable networks (CANs) polymers have been a research front in material science and engineering recently, as they potentially can be revolutionize the conventional definition of thermosetting polymers by offering the capacity of self-healing, stress reduction and reprocessing. My work aims to address some of the fundamental problems pertain the successful development of CANs. Specifically, through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, my research will establish a connection between the marcomolecular level bond exchange reaction (BER) and macroscopic stress relaxation and welding, the main research content includes: